Charge neutralisation options
!! Parameters that describe the source charge neutralisation
integer, parameter :: dl_mg_neutralise_none = 32100
!! adds a background of opposite charge in the computational cell
!! can be used for Poisson and Poison-Boltzmann equations
integer, parameter :: dl_mg_neutralise_with_jellium_uniform = 33100
!! adds the neutralising background only in the ion accessible region
!! to be used for Poisson-Boltzmann equation
integer, parameter :: dl_mg_neutralise_with_jellium_vacc = 34100
!! neutralises the source charge with a user prescribed shift in
!! ion concentrations
integer, parameter :: dl_mg_neutralise_with_ions_fixed = 35100
!! uses an asymptotic correspondence to a open system to find
!! the shift parameters for the concentrations
integer, parameter :: dl_mg_neutralise_with_ions_auto = 36100
!! uses a linearised version of the above method
integer, parameter :: dl_mg_neutralise_with_ions_auto_linear = 37100